

Answers depend on their questions.
Questions depends on their questioners.
When questioner is you, the answer will entirely be dependent upon you.
How you define you questions;
How you choose to define each words in your questions;
How your answers would be shaped.
Is this short or long?
Isn't it dependent upon how you choose to define long?
Is this real or not real?
Isn't it simply dependent upon how you choose to define what is real?
When you know clearly know what you are asking, usually the answer would be quite obvious.
You are inseparable from the answers to your questions.
You are the answers to your questions!

Btw, one of the most beautiful answers is "I don't know!"
To admit "I don't know, or can't be determined" is often the best answer.
The most sane and enlightened thing to realize.
Stop rejecting your enlightened insight.
Stop trading away reality for your fantasies.

