Answers depend on their questions.
Questions depends on their questioners.
When questioner is you, the answer will entirely be dependent upon you.
How you define you questions;
How you choose to define each words in your questions;
How your answers would be shaped.
Is this short or long?
Isn't it dependent upon how you choose to define long?
Is this real or not real?
Isn't it simply dependent upon how you choose to define what is real?
When you know clearly know what you are asking, usually the answer would be quite obvious.
You are inseparable from the answers to your questions.
You are the answers to your questions!
Btw, one of the most beautiful answers is "I don't know!"
To admit "I don't know, or can't be determined" is often the best answer.
The most sane and enlightened thing to realize.
Stop rejecting your enlightened insight.
Stop trading away reality for your fantasies.
We all want are answers.
But few of us knows answer and question are interdependent.
Answers depend on their questions!
In this sense, the question is much more primary and important.
Question is the cause, answer is the result.
If you want a relevant answer, then you must have the relevant question.
If you want a precise answer, then you must ask a precise question.
If you want a general answer, then you must ask a general question.
This is simply the way Q&A works.
Very often, by asking the right question, the right answer would come very naturally.
Questioning vs. Doubting
Genuine questioning is more related to inquisitiveness, openness to explore, to see what is really there.
Although questioning also affiliated with doubting and might involve some senses of doubting.
Doubting and questioning aren't exactly the same thing.
To doubt something involve a sense of disagreeing; there is a sense of preexist or immediate judgement even before you begin to explore.
To doubt can be a healthy thing, a vital and beautiful ability to have.
But it also can be harmful when it is overdone, i.e. when one establishes the habitual tendency to doubt everything and anything.
In other words, the mind become so habituate to doubting that it loses its ability to see things with a genuine open mind.
And as a result, nothing is permitted to get it.
Although questioning also affiliated with doubting and might involve some senses of doubting.
Doubting and questioning aren't exactly the same thing.
To doubt something involve a sense of disagreeing; there is a sense of preexist or immediate judgement even before you begin to explore.
To doubt can be a healthy thing, a vital and beautiful ability to have.
But it also can be harmful when it is overdone, i.e. when one establishes the habitual tendency to doubt everything and anything.
In other words, the mind become so habituate to doubting that it loses its ability to see things with a genuine open mind.
And as a result, nothing is permitted to get it.
Marketer of poverty mentality
What are they advertising all day long?
Claiming to be our friends
Vowing to enrich our life
Aren't they simply marketing dissatisfaction in reality?
As if we aren't poor enough...
Claiming to be our friends
Vowing to enrich our life
Aren't they simply marketing dissatisfaction in reality?
As if we aren't poor enough...
a friendly reminder given by my most genuine friend
How can you ever overcome what you painted over or are escaping from?
最近又聽見有大學生自殺﹐ 覺得無限可惜...
上一代的人﹐ 活在科技較落後和物質較貧乏的世界﹐ 荷包也比較緊.
這一代的人﹐ 活在明顯地較先進和富裕的世界﹐ 但思想卻相等顯著的較狹窄﹐ 老跑向牛角尖.
可能與科技和物質有關﹐ 但它們只是死物﹐ 只是工具﹐ 如一把刀﹐ 歸咎於它有點說不通...
在多姿多彩﹐ 瞬息萬變的時空中失了根﹐ 忘了本?
上一代的人﹐ 活在科技較落後和物質較貧乏的世界﹐ 荷包也比較緊.
這一代的人﹐ 活在明顯地較先進和富裕的世界﹐ 但思想卻相等顯著的較狹窄﹐ 老跑向牛角尖.
可能與科技和物質有關﹐ 但它們只是死物﹐ 只是工具﹐ 如一把刀﹐ 歸咎於它有點說不通...
在多姿多彩﹐ 瞬息萬變的時空中失了根﹐ 忘了本?
Living and Dying
Living - isn't it simply is the dying of every moment?
Dying - isn't it the very miraculous heart beat of what we call living?
Aren't they simply the two sides of the same coin?
Dying - isn't it the very miraculous heart beat of what we call living?
Aren't they simply the two sides of the same coin?
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